Sunday, February 03, 2008

Two Decisions

Two Decisions

Look. I walk towards you, and the

World gets closer. Or further away.

Which is it? Did you take a step


See. I look up as I approach
And the clouds scatter. Or form.

Which is it? Did you take a step


Hear. There was a bird that sang

Just then. Or there was silence.

I am not sure now, did you

Hear it, too?

While that fountain played with us

And threw us in and out, I made
What is known as a decision.

Reaching to a peeling arbutus tree

I ripped a letter from it, and it

Tore and it tore clean in a strip.

Against my thumb, the underside

So smooth, nodded to me, and I

I looked into your two wet eyes.

I will write everything on this, I said,

As I handed you that bark.

And a bird we both heard whistled.
Did you take a step forward?

You did.

© Ciprianowords Inc. 2008

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