Saturday, June 09, 2012

The Third Ailment

The Third Ailment

One thing worse than not talking to yourself
is two people staring. Look at those geese
or headlines, none of these becoming words.
The second is when you speak and do think
someone hears, your own ears wanting to
be on a non-existent head.
But a third ailment blares louder than others.

It is a jet streaming an atmosphere with white.
Looking up, you see the cause -- but no one
ever sips coffee up there. No person snores.
A woman asking for a refill. Another, a pillow.
The pilot announces a revised arrival time.
None of this exists for you. It is a malady --
or as one writer put it, "world without fiction."

-- © Ciprianowords, Inc. 2012 --

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