Saturday, March 08, 2014

I Think My Cat Thinks

I Think My Cat Thinks

He is fully sleeping. REM. Everything.
I mean, zonked. Back turned to me.
I will look in his direction. An ear twitches.

No keys rattling. After a day's absence
I unlock the door to his urgent tenancy.

The plaintive mows [silent "e"] greet me.

We speak of geysers, and their faithfulness.
The one in Yellowstone has not met Kennedy.
It would turn into unheated porridge.

In his presence, I feel myself belov'ed.
And if animals, as some think, have no souls
I wonder if we, who presumably do, do.

-- © Ciprianowords, Inc. 2014 --

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think that your cat thinks that Love is a Dog from Hell?! What do you think?

Attended adaptation of Bukowski's
"Love is a dog from Hell".
Music:1)TERRY HALL-Ballard of a Landlord(check the lyrics)
2)MUDDY WATERS-Baby please don't cry(check the story of the song and lyrics).