Friday, November 26, 2010
The Sigh of a Frog
The Sigh of a Frog
If infinity is what we think it is then whatever you can think
of, exists. Not convinced? Travel a bit further, it will turn up.
Go faster. It will reveal itself prior to your thoughts.
A far greater mystery lies nestled in a folded-in-upon-
itself perception that your imagination counts for something.
[The frog I just saw jump from here to there reconsidered.
-- Simply exhaled, and sat.]
In the beginning God created the heavens and the --
Thing is, infinity seems to limit itself only to as many other
titles the contents of its own poem can justify.
-- © Ciprianowords, Inc. 2010 --
Saturday, November 20, 2010
A big deal is made of the invention of fire.
Rightfully so.
Think of how many things would not exist
if someone had not frictated something against another
until pre-undisturbed atoms said Uncle.
You would not be driving a car, or reading about
anything on a screen. The main reason your house
would be in the dark is because you would not have one.
Before any marshmallows were properly roasted
several cavemen watched sparks run aground.
Think of this next time you watch the sun set, leaving
the earth unburned.
-- © Ciprianowords, Inc. 2010 --
A Peahen Complains
A Peahen Complains
Thank God for that sunroof idea. Those two giraffes
were about asphyxiated before Shem cranked it open.
What angers me most? None of us asked for this.
Follow the ostriches. Follow the emus. Follow follow
follow. If I had hands I would have taken that air horn
and flung it into Ethiopia. We marched like animals.
Granted, nearly anything is better than drowning.
But the noise and smell is killing me. On the intercom I
heard that the Captain sent out a reconnaissance dove.
Rumour is we land tomorrow. Listen up now, Horatio.
Evolve some better tailfeathers! Something with planets
on it -- something your future daughter cannot resist.
-- © Ciprianowords, Inc. 2010 --
Thursday, November 18, 2010
It happened. Called everything within me to account.
I had to process the possibility of hallucination,
questioning every answer I knew.
It was so exhilarating to have to do all of this, knowing
I would be stumped. I would start all over, and re-see it.
The Beach Boys, telling about their 409, the visor down.
Afloat on the next asphalt mirage, sinking as we arrived.
The thing you did with your hair. Pulling it from your collar
just as a breeze rippled a field you could not see.
Behind. Beside you. To my right, wheat bending.
-- © Ciprianowords, Inc. 2010 --
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Six Feet Away
Six Feet Away
A mile was not required, a city block un-summoned.
No need to restate anything with respect to as the crow flies
or refer to with the wind or against it.
Whatever is just beyond a body length was far enough.
You know, when I was a kid I laughed
pushing two magnets apart by reversing the poles.
But you turned from me.
[Never was anything so instantly realized, as the event
I now describe.
Whatever is required to reverse this --
the thing that keeps you from walking further
-- it has everything to do with why the planet we live on
has a sun to keep it warm.]
-- © Ciprianowords, Inc. 2010 --
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Sudden Coronation
Sudden Coronation
My pleas unheard, the wand hovering.
This is not what I meant at all -- Kitty
skittered in fright, slinking to her mat
-- send me not to eternal flatness.
a backward glance curling head to tail.
But you must decide this very moment!
Curses that I agreed to such a wager.
Struck by the bad breath and harsh voice
of this fairy I quickly assessed her terms.
The four choices: Clubs. Spades. Hearts or
Diamonds! I shouted. The only one in profile.
For I will not look full on this tragedy. Kitty
snarled a sad mewl as the wand hit my head.
Losing my balance, losing my very legs
I fell forward onto my left cheek, silent.
c. Ciprianowords, Inc., 2010
Sunday, November 07, 2010
Rabbit at Vimy Ridge
Rabbit at Vimy Ridge
Long since deaf, my other senses were heightened.
I may've caught Noah loading two into a boat as much
as what I did see, and today's calendar says 1987.
Today I shall die at the age of 91 with the image of a
bunny zipping through No-Man's-Land and my brain.
We are survivors. We lived through all of that. We --
c. Ciprianowords, Inc. 2010.

Might be the way the shoreline moves.
A grey ball tugging the ocean nearer.
Something to do with the candle lit
while a planet flies through nothing.
The dolphin smiling. Does a swan
preen its feathers to look prettier?
A monarch returns to this very tree
as the worst disasters fall from the sky.
Might be all of these things keeping us
alive as my lips on yours, set the sun.
c. Ciprianowords, Inc. 2010
Wednesday, November 03, 2010
Exhibitionism in nature is just that, natural. Your
observation has no effect, one way or the other.
You might drive in the very opposite direction
this morning -- hating the world and all planets.
Glaring, not saying the words. Feeling them burn
holes in your soul is punishment enough, today.
Imagine that before you were, and after you shall
be, a torrent over a lip of rock tells misty secrets.
c. Ciprianowords, Inc. 2010
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