Saturday, August 25, 2012
Sans Suffering
Sans Suffering
When a young boy shoots a robin
[as they all do] via slingshot
there is an unthought thought amok.
It's all about death sans suffering.
He thinks it, approaching his quarry.
There he finds much squirming.
A beak saying nothing, but distended.
Legs a'kick, entrails exposed.
Much death delayed.
Beaucoup de morte a retarde.
And I say to you that if in that moment
the lad does not throw the weaponry from his body
he shall find it a hard thing indeed
to become a man.
-- © Ciprianowords, Inc. 2012 --
Late Night Toast
Late Night Toast
You read the title, and think
-- nocturnal alcoholics --
One more nip at the bottle.
But the truth is, one snore
woke the other.
And turning to her, he said:
Jesus Christ, are you as hungry
as I am right now?
-- © Ciprianowords, Inc. 2012 --
you make me
you make me
believe in electricity / see junk in clouds
laugh at the simple / not fear crowds
wish every day were ten / gasp for air
dream good dreams / miss your scent
salivate wet / not regret money spent
fortunate beyond measure / hard there
own the world and environs / think deep
walk slightly behind you / quietly weep
long for your ankles / hate your enemy
love the next sentence / conquer fear
know what art is / smile, when near
surround who I am / me, me, me --- me
-- © Ciprianowords, Inc. 2012 --
Saturday, August 18, 2012
The Stone

The Stone
chill into his teeth rattled
mountain stream traversed
he found a slice of bliss
this was placed here for her
making a way to his pocket
-- she needs to have this
back in the boat feeling
the white equator in his hand
faint ridge needing no eye
two blackened halves
drawn together before either
knew why
-- he became a believer
-- she needs to have this
-- © Ciprianowords, Inc. 2012 --
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Arcturus: Two Ages

Arcturus: Two Ages
On a night, follow the arm of The Big Dipper, left
and down. The next brightest thing you observe
has two ages, thirty-seven -- and many billions.
Much larger than our own sun, and older, bright
before anything ever known, was. Exploding
prior to a flagella quivering on Earth -- it burned.
Two ages. Thirty-seven -- and many billions.
The first has everything to do with your eyes.
The latter, a reminder, that the universe itself
is doing
quite well -- whether
we exist
or not.
-- © Ciprianowords, Inc. 2012 --
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