Saturday, September 01, 2018

The Dichotomy

The Dichotomy

There are two kinds of people in this world.
The dichotomy has nothing to do with black or white,

rich or poor, male or female, or intelligence quotient.
[...Now you are curious.]
But no, they are not to be divided according to:
Religious or atheist. Radical or conservative.
Astronaut or earthbound. Dog-owners/Cat-owners.
[...Now you are thinking, I have read better poems.]

And yet, the main difference has nothing to do with:
Successful poets and the illiterate. Unattractive/Gorgeous.
Americans and everyone else. Capitalists/Communists.
Etc., ad infinitum.   

The clearest separation between what a human being is
and what a human being can be, involves the tear ducts.
It is to be found in the space between those who weep
only from pain, loss, grief, sorrow, knowing too much --
and those who fully break apart at inexplicable moments.

It's normal to be both of these things, but God help us,
far too many of our species only ever experience the former.
When sheer pleasure, attainment, joy, and unprecedented wonder
fail to deeply move us, moisten us -- God help me.
Remember. Every sunrise and sunset, a song in the memory. 

© Ciprianowords, Inc. 2018

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